Hyundai Accent

Repair and car operation

Hyundai Accent
+ 1. Maintenance instruction
+ 2. Engine
+ 3. Greasing system
+ 4. Cooling system
- 5. Control, decrease in toxicity
   5.1. Specifications
   5.2. System of ventilation of a case (PCV)
   5.3. Valve of ventilation of a case
   5.4. Catching system паров fuels
   5.5. The canister with absorbent carbon
   5.6. The electromagnetic valve of cleaning of the canister with absorbent carbon
   5.7. Cover of a toplivnonalivny mouth
   5.8. Search and elimination of malfunctions
+ 6. Fuel system
+ 7. Ignition system
+ 8. Coupling
+ 9. Transmission
+ 10. Axes and power shafts
+ 11. Suspension bracket
+ 12. Steering
+ 13. Brake system
+ 14. Body
+ 15. Central air
+ 16. Electric equipment
+ 17. Appendix
+ 18. Electroschemes

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5. Control, decrease in toxicity

Arrangement of elements of the monitoring system and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases in a motor compartment of cars with the SOHC engine

And – the valve of ventilation of a case; In – the valve of system of catching паров fuels.

Arrangement of elements of the monitoring system and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases in a motor compartment of cars with the DOHC engine

And – the valve of ventilation of a case; In – the valve of system of catching паров fuels.



The scheme of the monitoring system and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and catching паров fuels

1–oxygen sensor;
2–catalytic converter;
3–oxygen sensor;
4–the sensor of temperature of cooling liquid;
5–spark plug;
6–ignition coil;
7–ignition lock;
8–management relay;
9–ESM amplifier;
10-valve of ventilation of a case;
11-acceleration sensor;
12-valve of a control system of frequency of rotation of idling;
14-measuring instrument of an expense and air temperature sensor;
15-air filter;
16-sensor of provision of a butterfly valve;
17-detonation sensor;
18-the valve of cleaning of the canister with absorbent carbon;
19-sensor of an angle of rotation of a cranked shaft;
20-fuel tank;
21-the canister with absorbent carbon;
22-exhaust silencer.

To reduce emissions of harmful substances in the atmosphere together with the fulfilled gases the following systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases are used:

– catching system паров fuels;
– system of ventilation of a case;
– system of a retsirkulyatsiya of the fulfilled gases;
– catalytic converter.