Hyundai Accent

Repair and car operation

Hyundai Accent
+ 1. Maintenance instruction
+ 2. Engine
- 3. Greasing system
   3.1. Specifications
   3.2. Choice of engine oil
   3.3. Sensor of pressure of oil
   3.4. Check of level of engine oil
   3.5. Replacement of engine oil
   3.6. Replacement of the oil filter
   3.7. Oil pump of the SOHC engine
   3.8. Oil pump of the DOHC engine
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Control, decrease in toxicity
+ 6. Fuel system
+ 7. Ignition system
+ 8. Coupling
+ 9. Transmission
+ 10. Axes and power shafts
+ 11. Suspension bracket
+ 12. Steering
+ 13. Brake system
+ 14. Body
+ 15. Central air
+ 16. Electric equipment
+ 17. Appendix
+ 18. Electroschemes

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3.3. Sensor of pressure of oil

1. The control lamp of pressure of oil lights up after inclusion of ignition and dies away after engine start-up. If the lamp does not burn after inclusion of ignition check the sensor of pressure of oil, the ignition lock, a lamp and electric wires.
2. If there is a tension at inclusion of ignition and there is no tension after engine start-up, means, the sensor of pressure of oil in an order and it is necessary to check a lamp and electric wires.

Pressure of switching of the sensor of pressure of oil: 14,71–29,42 kPas

3. The special tool 09260-32000 tighten the pressure sensor the demanded moment.

Inhaling moment:
The sensor of pressure of oil assembled with the level sensor: 8–12 N • m
Sensor of pressure of oil: 13–15 N • m


1. An ohmmeter check conductivity of connection between the plug of the sensor and the block of cylinders. In the absence of conductivity, replace the sensor.
2. An ohmmeter check conductivity of connection between the plug of the sensor and the block of cylinders at the put-forward rod of the sensor. If conductivity is available even at the put-forward rod, replace the sensor.
3. However, if there is no conductivity even at the annex of vacuum of 50 kPas to a sensor opening, the sensor works properly.