Hyundai Accent

Repair and car operation

Hyundai Accent
+ 1. Maintenance instruction
+ 2. Engine
+ 3. Greasing system
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Control, decrease in toxicity
+ 6. Fuel system
- 7. Ignition system
   7.1. Specifications
   7.2. System of ignition of the DOHC engine
   7.3. Check of the coil of ignition
   7.4. Check of spark plugs
   7.5. Control of spark plugs
   7.6. Check of spark plugs
   7.7. Check of high-voltage wires
   7.8. Ignition coils
   7.9. Installation of high-voltage wires
   7.10. Search and elimination of malfunctions
   7.11. Ignition lock
+ 8. Coupling
+ 9. Transmission
+ 10. Axes and power shafts
+ 11. Suspension bracket
+ 12. Steering
+ 13. Brake system
+ 14. Body
+ 15. Central air
+ 16. Electric equipment
+ 17. Appendix
+ 18. Electroschemes

7.6. Check of spark plugs

Connect a spark plug to a high-voltage wire. Holding a spark plug special пассатижами with the isolated handles, connect the candle case to mass of the car.

Do not concern a car body during performance of the following operations.

The assistant should turn a cranked shaft of the engine a starter, thus between electrodes of a candle the steady strong iskroobrazovaniye should be observed.

In the absence of a spark of ignition or an ignition spark weak check a condition and correct the following defects:

– in the presence of a deposit clear or replace a spark plug;
– at pollution by oil clear or replace a spark plug;
– at wear or burning out of electrodes replace a spark plug;
– at destruction of a ceramic insulator replace a spark plug;
– at damage of a ring of a spark plug replace a spark plug;
– at violation of an interelectrode gap in a spark plug, adjust a gap.